Greater Joy Baptist Church of Butner was incorporated and established in September 2011. Its first meeting was held at Lake Rogers under a picnic shelter in Creedmoor, NC. At this first meeting, 7 members joined. Weekly Bible Study began in November of that year and was held at the Ramada Inn in Butner, NC. A building was secured at 209 and 211(church annex) West C Street in Butner in December and the church moved in.
The first service was held on Sunday, January 8th, 2012, and Pastor Evans was officially installed as Pastor on that same afternoon. During the first year of ministry membership grew to over 50 members and several ministries were established. The first baptism was held on November 9, 2012.
In 2013 Greater Joy Butner was recognized as a 501c3 organization and growth continued. God’s blessing and favor has been upon this ministry from its inception. It has been gifted with sweet hardworking and loving congregants. By believing in God's promises, the Greater Joy Butner believers have witnessed the manifestation of them not only within this ministry but also within their individual lives.